Jordan Mueller

1. What do you tink that the thing that found El Gato in the Forest was?

2. What do you think that the forests role in this story will be?

3. Do you think that Faustino is really the best interviewer in the country?

4. Would you be able to travel in the forest by yourself instaed of trying to play soccer with your friends?

5. Do you think that him gliding trough the room foreshadows anything coming up?

6. Why does El Gato snap in and out of his "trances" so often?

7. Do you like this book?

8. Do you think he was somewhat a nerd before he became good at soocer?

Owen Henriksen

1. What do you think Gato would have been if not soccerstar or logger?

2. Who do you think the keeper is? Just a ghost or a person?

3. What do you think Faustino is thinking while interviewing Gato?

4. How is Gato not keeping his sanity while spending all of his time with a ghost?

5. You think his uncle is disapointed in him for lying to him?

6. Do you think his mother is crazy?

7. Do you think his dad is a bad dad?

8. How do you like the book so far? 

Cody Molkenthine

1. Do you think Senor Hellman is mean?

2. Do you think Gato is happy?

3. Do you think Gato feels guilty for leaving the keeper in the field while he is working?

4. Do you think Gato likes his new job?

5. Do you think Gato's father is proud?

6. Do you think Hellman is a good ref?

7. Do you think the butcher is mad?

8. Do you like the book so far?

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